Tuesday, July 3, 2012


i loved the pics they are super awesome!!! im glad that the funeral went well and that is really cool that i was on the program. ha kody how is he doin i cant believe he is home! time goes soooo fast! good for the boys drawin on hunts but looks like we are gonna have to do the normal hunts... the 4th is gonna be us working, no plans and they are still havin us go around so we shall see what happens. soooo i went camping too!!!! ha well sort of, our ward had a campout and idk how but president gave us permission and we went. it was GORGEOUS up in payson, i couldnt believe i was still in arizona... absolutely amazing! all is well here though i cant believe that i have 1 fast sunday left... im sure mom is freaking out a little bit ha. i hope all is well there and you have a wonderful day and week!
love taylor

Monday, May 21, 2012

New people at church!

well that is some very exciting news that Rachel is having her baby! i am super excited haha he will be 3 months old when i get home! crazy!

also crazy ryker has the priesthood!!! AND KaLee graduated seminary. that is soooo awesome, i am super proud of her!

thats super sad about caddies mom... i remember the name not really who she is but still. it really is amazing how they do stuff like that. they arent just a team in soccer they are a team in life and i love it when it is that way.

i am soooo glad that your goin to the temple and you got new recomends, mine expires this next month so i have to get mine renewed here soon as well.

yeah morgs is gone to tennesee. i hope that she has alot of fun but stays safe! it is too bad that she cant hang out with kalee though now at least til august.

people coming back and going is crazy i cant believe that Kody is coming home already.

i cannot wait until i get the cold again, like snow and ice. i love the heat but i definately could not live here... idk i think i was made for idaho weather.

we had 3 new people go to church which was awesome!!! i did ask about both things but im just waiting on a reesonse from president so i will let you know ASAP on that. that is really crazy you have my flight plans already... il just stick with flying, it would be cool. plus if i leave early you cant pick me up i guess its a rule. as for spiritual experiences we gave a blessing lastnight and it was way cool when i finished the lady was crying a little and i dont think that she has ever cried in her life but she said i feel like something has been taken off of my shoulders and had a big smile on her face and then asked if i would baptize her when she gets baptized. we are hoping that it will happen in the next couple weeks! that was the best thing though for sure, that and when i was on exchanges we taught a lessin and the spirit was just suuuuuupppper strong!

sorry i gotta run we have zone activity i love you all and stay safe and have fun!!!

love taylor

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

We are made in the image of God

ha the games continue huh? i remember those days for sure. im super glad that olivia is havin fun and competetive, and maddy always has been awesome!!! poor KaLee, idk i always say this but i know just how she feels and its not a good feeling at all. i hate that its happening to her too. tell her not to worry and that we will find a guy girl team up in utah and play some softball together. i was thinkin about the baseball team there and its just a for fun team but i dont think i will, i guess we will see. i wont lie when i started i wanted to play a ton but at the middle it was like i could care less but now that its getting closer im wanting to play again but i still wanna be a doctor (so get good grades) and work during school plus a few other things so i dont think i will have time. we shall see though.

i am so glad that you guys go to the temple and that you and dad are doing really good. that is so important for me. you still going every week? i havnt followed up in a while and you have slacked off with studies so heres the thing, first you need to get going on that as a family! its going to bring blessings lots of them and i have a prize for book of mormon reading. the prize is gonna be that after you read this email if you restart and finish the book of mormon who ever does it i will go out with them just me and them for 3 or 4 hours ( which isnt much but i am hoping that everyone does it so that would be a couple days to finish everyone) and we will do WHAT EVER they want, if they want to just sit and talk or go hiking swimming read in the scriptures what ever just me and them. i may have a small surprise for them as well on top of that. haha idk if that is incentive or not but thats what i got ahaha so hop on it!!!!

you and dad being married for 22 years is sooooooooo crazy, i am so happy to have parents that love each other after 22 years! its amazing, im so gretaful for your example! i am glad you had fun to on your aniiversary.

i cannot believe that KaLee has to work on grad announcements ha it just doesnt seem real... time goes so stinkin fast.

idk if president will let me go i will ask him on thursday, and let you know when i call. ha yeah idk how it would be if you went as well. i guess i need to know if you would like to go or what not. il ask though. cuz it definately wouldnt affect me to see you plus i would only have what 7 more days anyway if you were there but i think you would go crazy haha.

it was a good week, went fast. not much really happened this week. we had a lady on exchanges ask but what about the theory of us evolving from monkeys and elder chavez goes well we are made in the image of God and im pretty sure he isnt a monkey and i just busted up laughing. i got a kick out of it but thats it for funny besides an elder that can fart on command that was rediculous. im not gonna lie i hope th next 3 weeks go fast cuz im strugglin the with the comp still but oh well live and learn right. its rough with him so thats more or less how thats going haha.

YOU HAVE TO TRY MENUDO!!! its just like everyone that says no to the book of mormon before reading it. you have to try it and judge it after.

so for skype, i will use that account but i will call you bright and early that morning to set up the time and what not cuz i am still lookin for a place to for sure do it. we have a couple but we have to figure out times with them. please have questions and what not for me cuz i never know what to say haha. but yeah thats how we will do that. i want to do it when KaLee is there too.

so im out of time but i love you all sooooooo much and i am super excited to talk to you again! i hope you have a wonderful week and talk to you soon!

love Taylor

Monday, April 9, 2012

My week has been a roller coaster

first hahaha you need to be careful how you word things lol i almost
died with the whole i guess you know morgan wont be here when you get
home. it was almost a train wreck for a second cuz i thought you were
implying something else... but yeah i know she is goin and it so cool
and im ok with it for sure cuz it will give me time with you all and
me not with her the whole time. plus i will hopefully get less weird
in those couple days.

ha but that sounds like you all had an awesome week. everyone and
their sports, i cant wait to watch them play again ha it will be so
awesome and i will love to support them. so KaLees stitches? real or
fake? everyone was sayin real and i never heard an april fools on that
one. I AM SOOOOOOOOOO MAD about the april fools on the new sibling, i
was sooooo stoked...

bobbie and jose, if they get married they
had darn well better wait til i get home!

ok now for Jareds farewell, no i didnt know he got his call but umm
talk to him. i would be fine with sharing it with him but i liked how
my farewell was and i just dont want to take away from him, i will be
there for ever he is gonna be gone for 2 years and so this is kinda
his last time to say what he wants. you know what i am saying? so ask
him and talk to his family, il do it when ever.

sounds like easter was fun, i like that you did all that on saturday
and still kept a big focus on the real meaning. there are so many
people that just use it to party and what not which is sooooo sad.
thanks for sending the eggs with the lesson in it. i really enjoyed
it, we woke up sunday morning and did it before we went to church and
it reminded me of when we did it at home. so thank you so much!

i cannot wait until we go to the cabin, oh how i miss that stuff ha i
miss fresh air lol.

who is doug engaged to? i knew hainsworth would soon, its to a girl
named mayra right? ha everyone is goin on missions, how is brandon???
any news there?

ok so my week has been a roller coaster. ummm the boy that was gonna
get baptized isnt anymore as a matter of fact we cant go see him
anymore... his mom got angry and said that she didnt want us to come
over and he cant come to church unless she comes and she wont come so
it really stinks... all cuz he didnt obey, we dont even know what he
did but she freaked... im super sad. eddie and antonia should be
getting married as i am typing and will be baptized on the 28th so i
am excited for that for sure!

me and elder barfuss are doing good, still gettin there but better. he
is just grumpy but it will get better i hope. umm my best day was on
friday cuz we just went crazy, knocked doors all day and saw alot of
sucess. we talked to a TON of people and i loved it.

i definately felt the spirit most at the pageant, we will definately
be going to that every year FYI :)

HAHAHA we were at a lesson and i had elder lake with me on exchanges
and a little chihuahua peed on his backpack and i laughed pretty hard
when that happened but other than that it was a pretty chill week.

welp thanks soooo much for the package. i love you all soooo much! i
loved the new pics, they made me smile soooooo much!

love taylor

Monday, April 2, 2012

Conference, I blink and it's over!

im super glad your week was great mine was pretty ok as well, it was a
little more dificult this week but thats part of life. haha idaho is
about the same i think cold and crazy weather, 70 degrees then snow,
and to think that i miss that. i am soooooooo jealouse about hunger
games, you need to buy it so i can watch it when i get home!!! you
guys have get togethers like all the youngins these days, stayin up
late. confrence was super awesome, i cant believe how short it is
though. i remember when sitting through it seemed like 8 years long
but i feel like i blink and its over now.

so aumberly im super happy for her it was way good to
see her though, i knew she was gonna take a pic and send it to you and
make you super jealouse BUT dont get trunky on me. i still got 5
months left and thats still a good time. i did get the bread and jam
from grandma and i was a very happy camper even though it wasnt home
made rolls they are good. the jam is way good though too! i miss
homemade stuff like that... well i could go to taylors wedding
depending on what time its at haha walk off the plane hop in the car
and go to the temple. that is if she is gettin married in the IF
temple, where is she gettin married?

im not gonna lie i cannot wait to see camden adn brody and listen to
all the funny things that they say. they crack me up for sure! haha
the brown people are here.i love those guys.

well my computer just crashed so i lost a ton of email and dont have
time to retype it sorry...
all is well the doc drained the cyst in my wrist and said i should get
it removed when i get home.
health wise all is well, vitamins are good and eating healthy makes me
feel good. thats also probably why i look skinnier. we have a baptism
on the 21st with a kid named josue.
best day was yesterday cuz we were teaching a lesson and we always see
this girl when we teach at this place and i always feel like i need to
talk to her but something comes up and i never can, anyway we just get
done with this lesson and she walks out and i like jumped up and ran
over and explained how i always feel like im supposed to talk to her
and what not explain what we are and do and she says everytime i saw
you guys i felt like i should talk to you and ask you what you do and
its all so crazy cuz i just recently decided that i wanted to learn
about Christ and God cuz i dont really know if i believe in them or
not. anyway it was just super spirit guided and i felt super awesome
afterwards. plus having just watched confrence it was just a good day.
umm im gonna have to get back to you on my favorited thing about
confrence cuz i loved them all but i really liked some of the
priesthood session ones. i gotta run sorry , i will look for your
package. i love you all soooooo much!!!
love taylor

Monday, March 26, 2012

Listen to Conference

thats way awesome about the weather, its really startin to warm up
here too, it was like 82 or something like that yesterday. i think the
weather really does effect your attitude ha cuz when its sunny usually
people are happy and it helps. idk how the kids wouldnt want to be
outside doing stuff even if it is work, its 70 degrees.

im glad jose has been comin out, i was really worried i wont lie... tell Bishop thanks for
worryin about me, i am doin alright but definately heart broken. jose
is my brother and it hurts that way... i did get joses email and i am
gonna write a letter and email it to you and have you give it to him.

im so happy that you are still going to the temple, idk i think that
if i didnt do anything else on my mission, which i know isnt true cuz
i have helped lots of people, im happy that i have helped you guys get
into that habit and hopefully helped some other people there.

i love karter and sam they are 2 awesome guys i miss sam, next time you see him
let him know that he is the man and same with karter.

thank you for sharing that experience with me, i needed it. we go to
the temple on wednesday at 7 am and for us that means we gotta wake up
early but its so worth it cuz its true, we really can be "healed" in
the temple. i know that there has been times here and i have felt
terrible and we go to the temple and its amazing the change in spirit.
we can over come all, the savior said "fear not for i have overcome
the world" we can really do that and temple attendance helps.

the week was way good! we had some fun expierneces and some funny
ones. so a funny one, we were reading in the book of mormon and we
were in alma 34 verse 38 and elder barfuss was reading and in spanish
it says "y que vivieseis cada día en dacción de gracias por las muchas
misericordias y bendiciones que él confiere sobre vosotros" so in
english its like "so that you live in thanksgiving for the many
mercies and blessings that he bestows upon you" well instead of saying
muchas he said muchachas and the he skipped misericordias and
continued on so it translated to "that you live in thanksgiving for
the women,or girls, and blessings that he bestows upon you." i almost
died laughing inside it was super funny,at least to me.anyway other
than that elder barfuss is great he is goin strong and is way awesome.
some cool stuff happened lastnight, we set a baptismal date with a kid
named josue, its for the 21st so i am super stoked!!! that happened
last night and i am super happy! we will watch confrence at the stake
center this year. i am super excited for it too, i love confrence! we
learn so much and i cant wait what the main topic is for this one. i
hope that you all listen and take notes, but as you take notes dont
try and write everything just the small impressions that you get and
you will all lear alot. im almost out of time and i gotta write jose a
quick letter that i want you to print and give to him. i love you all,
thank you soooooooo much for all that you do for me and for your


Monday, March 5, 2012

Training a Greenie!

haha good old family dentist appointments poor stewart. thats good that the snow is gone though. just be happy that brody doesnt eat mexican candy or he wouldnt have teeth ha.

i cannot believe that bridger is 14 that is super weird... tell him happy birthday for me a little late ha. livvy will be 10, that is rediculous also. scary stuff, everyone is growing up. its crazy how fast time goes, does anyone else feel like it is flying cuz thats how it is for me.
yeah i dont really know much about mitt romney or anything that is happening, we dont hear too much. thats way cool though that you got to go see that. there was a huge debate here on feb 20th or something like that. i would be really interested in what it would do to the church also, i can see alot of people becoming interested but also alot of people going farther away, cuz theres lots of people that believe that we shouldnt be part of government or work for them cuz God doesnt support gov and this that and the other and they are just crazy but i hope he wins also.

i cant wait to hear people sing and what not when i get home! i miss going to concerts and watching and listening. oh speaking of karter i need to write him, there are so many people that i need to write i just always feel like i ddontt have time and it goes to fast. tell him i didnt forget about him. im glad that all the other guys are doin well, i always put their names in the temple when i go and i prayed for bub lots lately.

so lets talk about transfer news. so on saturday night we were visiting some people and it was about 645 and normally if you are gonna train you get a call around 4 or 5 and if your gonna be a DL or ZL they call around 6 ish and so we are pullin in to a hhouse and all of a sudden the phone rings and i look at it and it says mission office so i was thinkin ok well its for elder paschoalini, he is gonna go be a DL somewhere cuz i just became a DL so i wont go ZL and well President talked to me for a second and then he gave us the news. elder paschoalini is leaving and i will be training a new missionary... i am for sure nervous and scared but it will definately be an interesting 2 transfers cuz thats usually how long you stay with your trainer now. im super excited but i will be DL still and i will also have to teach the elder all sorts of things. it was definately a curve ball for me.i figured i would just stay a DL.

as for the work its goin ok, there is lots of people to teach but not so many that want to progress. most people are pretty lazy ha. physically and spiritually. spiritually good, i feel like i grow each day sometimes i cant see the actual thing that changed but i can just feel a difference if that makes any sense at all.

andrew coming home CRAZY, maybe he will go to utah state and he can room with me. i will definately keep petersons in my prayers. anyways i have no more time but i want you to know that i love you all and that i am excited to get your letters.

love taylor

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lots of Teaching

haha so im glad that your trip went well, i knew that it would be good for both you and dad but also grandma and grandpa. they would do all that stuff while you were gone, they are such great people and do such amazing things. im glad you got some sun too, we get it EVERY day haha.

my week was pretty good, i had lots of meetings, we went to the temple, had to go to the dmv so my companion could get a licence (which i have no idea how he got but il talk about that later) it was a crazy week kind of a long one that went fast if that makes any sense what so ever.

so we are teaching quite a bit but its hard to find people that really want to progress, almost everyone will listen to you but when it comes to reading or acting on their answers to prayers they dont want to do it. the investigators that had to get married didnt and wont be baptized for a while... it is super sad and i am definately disappointed and upset. its rough... we are finding new people each day though so its ok we will find those that are prepared.

apartment living, really isnt bad BUT we live the "law of consecration" ,which i just put an end to for me and them eating my food, which is everyone cant eat what ever and i am out of money cuz i buy the things that i need and eat each week but there is an elder who doesnt buy anything and eats all my stuff and well what ever he wants and i am not havin that anymore.

DL stuff is good not really that hard i enjoy it cuz i get to serve the other elders more. still waiting to do a baptismal interview which will be exciting.

the only dogs here i swear are Chihuahuas and i hate them and if they chase me i kick them if they get close enough, but normally they dont get that close haha.

i excersise every morning we have a gym at our apartment complex so thats nice. i eat pretty good too, healthy wise ha at least for breakfast and lunch.

i felt the spirit the most on saturday night, we were in a lesson and we were going to talk about faith and we got going and my companion was saying what i was thinking and afterwards he told me that i was saying what he was thinking so it was really cool. way sweet lesson and the guy was the only one who came to stake confrence the next day which made me super happy.

i am in a branch that is almost a ward.

phoenix is the scary part of AZ like LA of california. its not quite that bad and im not in the worst area but i still see at least 25 to 30 cops in the areas we go which isnt too bad.

now for driving and funny stories. the fact they gave my comp a liscence is funny. he is the WORST driver ever! i almost died within the first hour he drove... he ran a stop sign and a redlight and bought ran into the wall of the on ramp of the freeway... its is absolutely terrible and i dont know what to do cuz i dont want to make him feel bad but i am gonna die of a heart attack if i let him keep driving. my heart hurts it pounds so hard. idk its somthing i gotta figure out.

not much else new except for this transfer is almost over, we find out what will happen this saturday. we did go hit some golf balls today, which is something i think i will take up is golfing. its enjoyable and i have accepted the fact of no more baseball. OH speaking of baseball at 3 i will be at a pro players house hangin out! pretty sweet! anyway il add some pics of me and the elders i went on exchanges with and my companion.

E. Lake E.Paschoalini me and E. Schrei

i hope all is well i love you all and hope you have a good week!
love taylor

Monday, February 13, 2012

great zone conference

i really liked that peom/scripture. ummmm i dont have my address... we are in an apartments and i dont even know what number i just know how to get to it haha, but no worries.

as for all this hub bub of getting in trouble and what not.... that is not like madeline and i do not like it at all. hmmmm what can we do about that cuz thats not gonna fly with me this stayin out late and what not... maybe she will learn by not havin her phone... guess we will see.

this whole TVCC thing blew my mind. i would love for her to play but at the same time i want to go to school with her. i honestly dont know where i wanna stay if klien or KaLee dont go. the thought of college is still kinda weird to me, i gotta find a job asap to when i get there cuz it sounds like im gonna have to figure out how to buy a car as well as help pay for school cuz im not making anyone pay for all of my schooling unless its a scholarship which in this moment in time i dont have any. so when i get closer to coming home il have you look for jobs there that i can apply for. idk how i feel, im super excited but worried at the same time. i have lots of time left before that all comes though.

sorry my letter is gonna have to be shorter than i thought, we email in a community college and its a joke here today they have all sorts of valetnines stuff goin on and i dont like it at all...

sounds like you got alot goin on there with sports and traveling and all that fun stuff ha im super glad that your all havin fun and doin good. i will write bub cuz that worriees me, i need joses address so i can write him as well. i emailed keg and it sounds like he is doing well he has grown alot i can see that. im so happy brandon is planning on going still!

so this week was pretty good i went on exchanges twice, which was fun. 2 of our investigators are getting married today and baptized on the 25th so that is super awesome! i really like this area but its also really tough. there are TONS of people you can teach but most dont progress, that is the hardest thing. umm tuesday was my favorite cuz we had a zone confrence and i learned alot, it was also the day i felt the spirit the most from all the things that i learned and i dont know if you remember elder pierson from canada that was my companion a while back, anyway he went home and he gave his testimony and it was way awesome. i learned alot from him and it was weird to see him go cuz he had as much time as i do now when we were comps. favorite thing about the area is the amount of hispanics cuz i can actually speak spanish with people and maybe il be good by the time i get home ha. yeah i write in my journal and i work out every morning. yes i love the weather, i go to the temple in 2 weeks... anyway i gotta go, i love you all so much and i will look forward to your valentines!!!

love taylor

Monday, January 30, 2012

Love the new area!

HAHAHA wow lots of questions this week.my comps name is elder paschoalini (pass qwa lee nee) and he is cool, he is from brazil and has been out about 6 months. the area is HUUUUUUUGE but yes we have a car and it makes life a little bit easier but its still tough. i love the area here, i have had some awesome experiences here already with teaching and the spirit being strong and just its cool. so i wont lie leaving was tough cuz i love the members there in tierra rica but i was definately happy to leave to cuz we didnt teach much there cuz of the lack of hispanics but there is not a lack of them here. i love it we teach quite a bit and there is always people to talk to. my responsibilities as a DL is i now have to worry about the other 4 elders and their investigators now, not just me and my companion and ours. we live in an apartment with our ZLS. i did get a GPS thank you so much cuz i really needed it. i did get my package thank you i loved it, i love getting homemade stuff its the best.
i think my best day this week was wednesday cuz we got to the area and i put a few things away ate lunch and we were off. we went and taught some way sweet lessons and the spirit was way strong in one of them, we taught the restoration and it was just way strong. we do have investigators, in fact we have a baptism this saturday!!! he is way cool and ready, he has taken discussions for a long time and now is finally getting baptized. there is alot of potential in this area and i am super excited cuz i am hoping by the time i leave it will be a ward! there are plenty of people to teach so it should be possible.
i cannot believe that jose is half way.... i remember when he left i had 6 months... that is sooooooo crazy. it really sounds like stuff is normal at home haha. the sports have begun haha open gyms and everything. its gonna become run run run once again. THEY ARE HAVING A BOY!!! wow when is she due? its gotta be before i get home haha im sooooo excited cuz i will have a little baby to hold at home. we see them all the time and we cant hold little kids and it kills me. haha one of my not favorite rules. any way im glad all is well and that its all normal at home. you think grandma and grandpa will come down for months? wow.
president ellsworth wrote you about me being DL? ha thats pretty cool, im definately glad for your guys support cuz i wouldnt be able to do any of this stuff. its not gonna be too much different i will just have more time to serve different people.

well all is well here and i am about out of time so i love you all and thanks for everything you guys do and i love you all sooooooooo much!

love taylor

Monday, January 23, 2012

I want to be obedient

well sounds like a busy day there as well as for me here. i am being
transfered to the paradise valley zone as a district leader. it is a
long ways away and its in phoenix so im finally leaving mesa haha. its
really exciting cuz i will be district leader and i will have a car
but i am definately nervouse to go and do it. my companion is from
brazil and has been here like 6 months. i cannot spell his name cuz
its crazy haha but he is a really good guy i have met him before so i
am excited.
now for all the buisness back home people are goin on missions
like crazy its sooooo awesome except i get home and everyone is still
gone... i cannot believe madeline driving on her own kinda scares me
lol. thats so awesome that bridger did so well and that olivia won her
game! they are definately my siblings!
ha yeah grandma was tellin me that they wanted to take me to dinner
and i just said that if they wanna call president they can and if he
says yes i am happy to go, i would love to see them but now more than
ever im trying to be more obedient. i want to become who the Lord
would have me be and i have to be an example for those around me. but
if president gives me permission then i am totally fine with it, but
if not then i wont go.
so i already told you about transfers and what not. not much happened
this last week but we had a really good lesson last night with a lady
that we have been working with. her son is a member but she isnt and
she knows it is true and we invited her to pray about it and ask God
if this was the true church and she says i cant ask that question. we
were really confused and i remember just feeling like i needed to say
some stuff and i did and she asked why do you know its true, what
happened to you and i just bore my testimony to her and the spirit was
SOOOOO strong and then after i did i invited her again and i invited
her to pray about it again and she said she would and i know that her
simple prayer will change her life.
the family that was gung ho just kinda disappeared, we passed by but
they never had time or didnt answer and we could hear them inside. i
dont really like to think about that... the weather is amazing! i love
it, its starting to warm up again and i cant wait to not have to wear
my jacket all the time haha.
anyway im glad all is well there makes me happy to hear about all that.
i love you all sooo much!!!

love taylor

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Spirit will direct us

thats sooooooo crazy that there is no snow... i can only imagine that
all the farmers are freaking out. grandma and grandpa are excited

wow i am sooooo proud that you are having FHE each week. thats really
awesome cuz we try and help people do it and so its nice to know that
my own family is too lol. im glad rykers knee isnt too bad and that he
is using a brace, he is just like me and it would kill him if he had
to drop sports. plus he is still so young and has alot of sports ahead
of him :) WOW 7 am swim meet that is crazy haha. im glad there is
more fish in the family haha i always talk about swimming or
wakeboarding or stuff about the water and everyone is like geeze you
were a fish werent you and i just laugh. RYKER was the MC, what a
stud! he is my brother :) im sure he did awesome! those kids are
really the best, we lucked out with such a great family.
haha sounds like a wild date night to me, what color did you paint it?
445 am that is ridiculous, i cannot believe that. too much stuff to
do! im soooo happy you and dad went to the temple together again :) it
makes me happy every time that i hear that!!!

i did get your letter and i wrote you one back so i wont say much
now but it was needed. dont feel like you let me down either cuz you
didnt. i was happy to get dads email today and it was good too.

Thats way cool aumberly is coming down she really likes the family.
she is definately a good friend from the mission.

my week was pretty good, i feel like they just go faster and faster
and i get less and less done... umm yes actually we did have some
progress with investigators, we have a new family of 6 but really only
3 or 4 are listening, anyway 3 came to church and then the whole
family went to the fireside with us last night and really liked it.
they are doin pretty good so it will be exciting to see what happens.

the time i felt the spirit the strongest was saturday night and it was
a super cool experience, anyway we decided to take out some young men
with us that have about a year until their mission and we went to an
investigator that we dropped bbut he called us so we decided to go. we
get there and he said a few things and then these 2 brothers who are
twins just start testifiying and holy cow the spirit was SOOOO strong!
they were saying things that were in my mind that needed to be said
and i cant even explain it. i was so proud of them, it was sweet but
this guy really just kind of wanted to bash, but there is a scripture
in the BOM that says that the spirit will direct us that we may
confound men in their words (something like that) and it was so cool
to see that happen cuz he would say something and each of us said
things that would make him think alot but the spirit was really strong
that night.

my BOM reading is good, i have restarted twice but i am in mosiah 20
in spanish and alma 7 in english. im reading them like at the same
time so we shall se how it goes, i really like it cuz i read it in
english and then i pick up the things i didnt when i read it in

no really funny stories this week at least not that i can think of. it
was definately a pretty good week though.

i love you all and am so grateful for you!

love taylor

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Heaven sent question

so the sports are still going haha i remember those days when thats the reason we were running is cuz there was 5 practices to get to and not enough cars or time. thats so good that olivia is doing good. thats too bad about rykers knee too... put a brace on him and if he can play he can play if not well i guess he will have to figure something else out. he is a very determined kid.

those 2 boys are going to be something else when they get to school... girls are going to go CRAZY.

wow you have a very big goal, well the girls do to finish both of those. you can all do it though but you have to be like on each other all the time about it. support is a big key to completing goals. a staycation sounds like it would be fun and motivating to me. goals are the best but make sure you write them down and put them where you can see them cuz if not they just fall off the map. oh the little boys and not doing the animals, i wonder if they hate them as much as i did? i dont anymore which is funny, as a matter of fact we were at a persons house and they had chickens and a HUUUGE rooster and they said something about grabbing it and i was like yeah its not hard just grab it by the legs and hold it upside down and they were like yeah right you do it then and so i just grab it and they were all like WHAT?!?! he actually did it, i was laughin pretty hard. anyway i remember someone going outside and acting like he was feeding the chickens...

im so glad you guys go to the temple so much its the best place ever, i cant wait until i can go like every other day haha or every day. you just feel sooooo much better when you go!

me and tuttle are still doin good! we have fun stuff happen every day. ummm the spirit was strongest yesterday forsure, we were fasting and what not but we were tracting and we knocked a door and it was a lady and long story short we had to go find another guy and come back to teach her but as we were talking she stops us and says i know that you have like a set message for everyone and the community but what is it for me, what does God want ME to hear. we sat there for a sec and elder tuttle said some stuff and then kind of passed it off to me and i sat there for a second, then i felt the spirit super strong tell me to ask her a question and it was definately what she needed to hear and we built off everything and it was super good but i really had no idea what i was gonna say but the spirit told me for sure. it was super awesome, definately a Heaven sent question.

investigators: we are kind of starting over, no one wants to progress... we look everyday almost all day. we have lessons here and there but its mostly looking. we get very little referals but do alot of knocking haha.

anyway its super good to hear from you all and sounds like all is well, i miss you all but am having a great time here! i love you all a TON!!!

love taylor

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Super awesome to see you guys!

well you just about got a 2 line email... now it might be 3 or 4 cuz of time but il see what i can do haha. christmas was super awesome, to see you guys. everyone looks soooo good. i cannot believe the no snow situation and that you have the same temperature as we do.

i actually heard about grandma grayce... that is sad but like you said she wasnt doin well and it was better. that is sad that jeffery came home.

the whole school thing i will figure out tomorow we have interviews with president so il ask him and see what he says and what my options are.

farewells and homecoming are crazy haha i cant wait to hear about them.

so new years resolutions im quiting pop again, and a few other things but nothing to super huge i guess. im excited to hear how that goes and what some of yours are.

well i gotta go cuz im out of time but i love you all alot and i hope il send a bigger letter next week haha.
