Monday, July 25, 2011

the spirit testifies!

sounds like a very very crazy week. poor brody, marsh told me but i didnt get all the info. ha i never got to see marsh before the mish but now i see him all the time. haha i feel pretty good and for the most part i am healthy haha i have pink eye right now but its not too bad i got drops and its gettin way glad everyone liked their stuff i didnt know if they would. being a doctor would be awesome but i dont think im smart enough for that business... i have thought about that cuz everytime i go into a doctors office i wanna do it but i always wanna learn all the parts and bones in spanish. idk tho. that is hilarious that brody jumped into the pool with his cast on. im stoked that the girls are goin to OYA. so this letter is gonna be short cuz im gonna have a WHOLE day of fun today. we went fishin last week and we are going to do it again today. It was fun and it was the sister's first time fishing and first fish!! anyway sounds like a wild party there with all the family. YOU WROTE KALEES TALK!?!?! wow thats ridiculous hahaha i had to write all of mine what the heck. i love bub! he is the bomb! wait til Brandon gets his call but tell him that you have something for him. i wrote him a while ago and never heard from him... so we had a cool experience that kinda smacked me in the face and its definately a lesson for everyone that has to learn a language. so we went to the visitors center for a lesson and our investigators didnt show but a lady from tempe came and it was for a first lesson and the tempe missionaries just decided not to show and so we decided to teach her. she had a member with her amd like we had a way awesome lesson and then at the end of the lesson the member asked me to bare my testimony in spanish and i said yeah... no one there spoke spanish but my comp but i did it and then when i was done the member said did you feel that? to the lady and she said yeah and he says thats what i love about this message and gospel, no matter what language its in you can feel the truth of it. it really hit me hard cuz its true, especially for keg and bub and all those who are headed out. your gonna make mistakes whether your speaking english or another language but as long as you have the spirit it doesnt matter. just send me anything mom i will be happy with what ever you send. you really dont need to send anything if you dont want ha i dont feel like its my birhtday so yeah haha. oh yeah one thing i do want is all the music we sang on sundays like the black binder.. there are sisters here that will play it for me. i got some pics for ya of my baptism and last p day. the baptism was way awesome!!! i gotta run though.
love taylor

it was both thier first fish and time fishing!
funny pic of me

Monday, July 18, 2011

New baptism dates!!

hahahah yeah its crazy how fast time flys and then seems not real. everyday! only i can remember for the most part things that happened. that is soooo awesome that you met up with Alisha twice! did she say anything about the missionaries? the Civil Rights museum sounds really cool. yeah they are my brothers that they hate and i dont do well with racism... especially now, i will hear a racist comment and the person that says it gets to hear my opinion on racism. its bad here against hispanics, blacks too. its blows my mind... good for Alisha to be getting her bachelors degree in biology thats sooo awesome! yeah, i can have some stuff ready for Marsh to bring home. i will get it ready and have it there today and he can pick it up when possible i am gonna send the baseball stuff i bought home ha. and probably other random things too. k il send my camera home i have the recipt and stuff so il make sure to put it all in with the box. i loved it when it was a constant family party haha well for the most part! but it sounds like a blast! Holy Cow, i am old... i dont feel 20 haha i do have to shave more and im a little bigger but i dont feel older, its weird and college stuff that blows my mind! me and kalee can room together if she wants or do that house thing together, its really up to her i would love it and would be soooo down for it but i dont wanna invade her space... so talk all that stuff over with her. oh elder klien is the man i love him! he is so great, i so hope he is doin well. we still keep in contact too so thats good. the week i have some serious mixed feelings about ha first il tell you why it stunk. it was rough comp wise but im over it and im just working to the best of my ability and we are blessed for it(thats good news and will come later) anyway next i popped 4 tubes this week 2 in one day one the next and then another the day after that.... im a little tired of bikes. so i bought all sorts of crap to keep tubes from popping cuz a good tube is 12 bucks and yeah...ummm other random stupid things happened but good news we have 3 investigators with baptismal dates 1 for this month and 2 for next!!!! we are gonna find even more this week and i am super duper stoked! also an investigator from our last part of the area is getting baptized this coming weekend! its gabriela. we are still knockin alot of doors, tryin to find service opportunities and just everything we are gonna start english classes too. everything else is good im actually losin a little weight now i had to make a new hole in my belt so thats good. i do 20-80 push ups in the morning and have some little work outs that i do so thats good and we are gonna start runnin again. we went to the temple too just barely it was so awesome! that was the day we found the new people. also jim smith took me through again, i believe that is the 3rd time ha and i saw jims dad at arbys one day too. im so proud your still goin to the temple that is sooo awesome that utah trip would be really cool but you should wait til keg is out of the mtc or you 2 will try and see him haha. Bubs call is sooooo awesome, he will fit right in there. its farms haha and he will love it!!! i would be fine with takin a nauvoo trip when i get home haha.... i sooooo hope brandon is workin on his papers that would be so great! keep that kid away from girls! well im glad to hear all is well i hope those cavities went well haha those little beasties haha i love them! well i love you all a ton and let me know if i can do anything for you all.

love taylor

Monday, July 11, 2011

Caught in a giant dust storm!

thats so crazy that your in tennessee again, it seems like FOREVER since you were there last. yeah how awesome is it that alisha accepted the missionaries! gosh i was soooooooo happy when i heard. man thats crazy you have to be there so early. hey you get breakfast! :) its good for you and dad to have time alone its definately needed. family vacations are pretty awesome though! speaking of vacations i know marsh and dana are headed that way soon but idk when, idk if they are drivin or flyin but if they are drivin i was hopin to send a few things with them... idk if you can text them or find out for me. elder dawson is there?!?!?!?! whoop whoop i love him ha. i love that you are gettin everyone now all you need is elder rosa and he will be next lol. brixeys bro is good from what i hear, he said he emailed him today so hopefully. so my BUB got his call, im soooooo proud of him he will love it!!!! yeah! when he leaves im on the down hill... im not gonna have any friends when i get back just morgan and bobbie haha but i have the fam which i dont have to worry about you all leavin me lol. you will be sayin alot of good byes but you will get some hellos here quick too. andrew and kody will come and then me... yeah work on stuff for utah state, il stay close to home for a bit and see where it goes from there. the week has been good, we dont have actual investigators yet but we have some return appiontments which is sweet. we have been knockin EVERY door in our area, we started on one end and are goin clear to the other ha we will find people to teach! Elder Isom and I are gettin along alright, i just tell him that we are leaving at certian times and what we are doing, but its all good though like you said im learnin how not to be! he has 5 months left so yeah he doesnt have much time left. what have i learned about myself? that is a very good question. i have learned that when i need to do something and or have a desire to do something i find away, and sometimes i may sound discouraged but its really not the case. i have learned not to get discouraged but to work harder. i dont really know i feel like i learn alot of little things about myself alot. just keep praying that the lord will put prepared people in my way to talk to, im really working on talking to everyone so that when they are prepared i dont miss them. thank you so much for everything! i hope that everything is good there. oh yeah so my camera is being really really slow and different things are happening and idk what to do cuz there isnt a stinkin best buy in the mission that we can get to, they are all a long ways away or just out of the mission... idk if i should send everything to you or what but i wouldnt have a camera... idk. anyways let me know what you think we have the warranty and insurance or what ever on it so yeah it just needs to go to best buy... everything else is good here. ha i did get caught in the giant dust storm wall thing that looked like its from a movie but im good just was covered in dirt after. well i love ya all and hope your all havin a good summer!!!
love taylor

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Keep reading the scriptures!

the boys were trying an online playstation hook up??? the playstations we have dont do online... the xbox does... anyway im glad your here and got to email me, im sure everything was nuts over the fourth. it always was and will be cuz we are definately keeping that tradition of having the Petersons come. Ye, im so so glad that dad and Kenny were companions! idk i like most of my companions but its been a little tough with most of them cuz i either do everything or nothing ha. but idk i love bein here so much that it doesnt even matter! so i talked with a guy that served with andrew that just got home off his mission it was crazy and i dont remember his name though. hahahahahaha! Sondra was perfectly right i would have been all over in that roman candle war!!! im doin that when i get home for sure... idk with who, cuz everyone will be gone but im gonna. its sooooooo awesome about alisha listening to the missionaries! just a little miracle i guess. the week has been ok, tough cuz we had 0 investigators and white washing means that were going into area we havnt been in and thats the only area we have now. dad can probably explain it a little better. our sucess was with some formers, so for now we have 2 new investigators. but we are still best day, hmmmmmmm.... probably wednesday cuz i worked my butt off and idk i just felt really accomplished cuz i thought it was gonna be the worste day of my life but idk it was tough but we can only work and the lord does the rest. so companion, he is good. idk how to explain him, he wants to play more than anything and i think he is starting to get trunky cuz he has 5 months left and yeah. i do mostly everything i call people and talk to them on the street what not but then he takes credit for everything and idk says he is the one that does stuff so that bugs me a bit but im over it haha. Feeling the spirit the most was on sunday, alot of people talked about the atonement and it was a really good church meeting! i also gave a blessing and the guy was spanish but spoke english too and he said oh yeah you can give it in english so i said ok and i started in english but couldnt do it... i had to do it in spanish i just couldnt do it in english it was crazy... health is pretty good, i exercise but idk its weird we dont have enough time and elder isom sleeps in and if he does get up he wants to play sports but no one else goes so its hard. make sure you set a little time apart for you mom do what you need, go to the gym or what ever but dont stress your self out and burn out ok? so elder paredes, he has support and everything, thats just the way he is... dont worry about the letter. he goes home in september so hopefully he doesnt come visit ha..... im glad jose is good he is sooooo awesome, i use him so much as an example and he has been such an example to me. oh elder klien i love him and he is so awesome, we are gonna room at utah state if i go and he does too :) now i have 2 big things pushin me there so looks like thats winning! i dont think il be headed to hawaii at least not right away. well i love you all bunches and im glad to hear all is good and everyone is alive after the 4th! stay happy keep readin the scriptures as a family and you all will have a better relationships! i love you all a ton!!!!
love taylor