Monday, May 21, 2012

New people at church!

well that is some very exciting news that Rachel is having her baby! i am super excited haha he will be 3 months old when i get home! crazy!

also crazy ryker has the priesthood!!! AND KaLee graduated seminary. that is soooo awesome, i am super proud of her!

thats super sad about caddies mom... i remember the name not really who she is but still. it really is amazing how they do stuff like that. they arent just a team in soccer they are a team in life and i love it when it is that way.

i am soooo glad that your goin to the temple and you got new recomends, mine expires this next month so i have to get mine renewed here soon as well.

yeah morgs is gone to tennesee. i hope that she has alot of fun but stays safe! it is too bad that she cant hang out with kalee though now at least til august.

people coming back and going is crazy i cant believe that Kody is coming home already.

i cannot wait until i get the cold again, like snow and ice. i love the heat but i definately could not live here... idk i think i was made for idaho weather.

we had 3 new people go to church which was awesome!!! i did ask about both things but im just waiting on a reesonse from president so i will let you know ASAP on that. that is really crazy you have my flight plans already... il just stick with flying, it would be cool. plus if i leave early you cant pick me up i guess its a rule. as for spiritual experiences we gave a blessing lastnight and it was way cool when i finished the lady was crying a little and i dont think that she has ever cried in her life but she said i feel like something has been taken off of my shoulders and had a big smile on her face and then asked if i would baptize her when she gets baptized. we are hoping that it will happen in the next couple weeks! that was the best thing though for sure, that and when i was on exchanges we taught a lessin and the spirit was just suuuuuupppper strong!

sorry i gotta run we have zone activity i love you all and stay safe and have fun!!!

love taylor

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

We are made in the image of God

ha the games continue huh? i remember those days for sure. im super glad that olivia is havin fun and competetive, and maddy always has been awesome!!! poor KaLee, idk i always say this but i know just how she feels and its not a good feeling at all. i hate that its happening to her too. tell her not to worry and that we will find a guy girl team up in utah and play some softball together. i was thinkin about the baseball team there and its just a for fun team but i dont think i will, i guess we will see. i wont lie when i started i wanted to play a ton but at the middle it was like i could care less but now that its getting closer im wanting to play again but i still wanna be a doctor (so get good grades) and work during school plus a few other things so i dont think i will have time. we shall see though.

i am so glad that you guys go to the temple and that you and dad are doing really good. that is so important for me. you still going every week? i havnt followed up in a while and you have slacked off with studies so heres the thing, first you need to get going on that as a family! its going to bring blessings lots of them and i have a prize for book of mormon reading. the prize is gonna be that after you read this email if you restart and finish the book of mormon who ever does it i will go out with them just me and them for 3 or 4 hours ( which isnt much but i am hoping that everyone does it so that would be a couple days to finish everyone) and we will do WHAT EVER they want, if they want to just sit and talk or go hiking swimming read in the scriptures what ever just me and them. i may have a small surprise for them as well on top of that. haha idk if that is incentive or not but thats what i got ahaha so hop on it!!!!

you and dad being married for 22 years is sooooooooo crazy, i am so happy to have parents that love each other after 22 years! its amazing, im so gretaful for your example! i am glad you had fun to on your aniiversary.

i cannot believe that KaLee has to work on grad announcements ha it just doesnt seem real... time goes so stinkin fast.

idk if president will let me go i will ask him on thursday, and let you know when i call. ha yeah idk how it would be if you went as well. i guess i need to know if you would like to go or what not. il ask though. cuz it definately wouldnt affect me to see you plus i would only have what 7 more days anyway if you were there but i think you would go crazy haha.

it was a good week, went fast. not much really happened this week. we had a lady on exchanges ask but what about the theory of us evolving from monkeys and elder chavez goes well we are made in the image of God and im pretty sure he isnt a monkey and i just busted up laughing. i got a kick out of it but thats it for funny besides an elder that can fart on command that was rediculous. im not gonna lie i hope th next 3 weeks go fast cuz im strugglin the with the comp still but oh well live and learn right. its rough with him so thats more or less how thats going haha.

YOU HAVE TO TRY MENUDO!!! its just like everyone that says no to the book of mormon before reading it. you have to try it and judge it after.

so for skype, i will use that account but i will call you bright and early that morning to set up the time and what not cuz i am still lookin for a place to for sure do it. we have a couple but we have to figure out times with them. please have questions and what not for me cuz i never know what to say haha. but yeah thats how we will do that. i want to do it when KaLee is there too.

so im out of time but i love you all sooooooo much and i am super excited to talk to you again! i hope you have a wonderful week and talk to you soon!

love Taylor