hahaha yeah it semi amazes me sometimes when i get up so early and i dont have a gun in hand too, nah idk its something that i cant explain that drives me. i have come to love so many people here and i get up to help them. now when im home i may not be so great at it buuuut i guess we will see haha i have heard that you cant really break the habit which im not really stoked for cuz i kinda would like to catch up on some sleep!
i dont even understand the concept of time anymore, it goes to fast and doesnt make any sense at all. its dark here about the same time too and makes everything a little harder. i think people get a little weirded out when 2 guys in suits come up to talk to them in the dark. im glad we are on the same time now cuz it makes emails and stuff easier to time.
so an early thanksgiving huh? sounds like it was a blast though, i have one of those food problems too. i think its more that i feel bad and love these people so much that when we go over and they have prepared so much for us i eat until i literally cant anymore. That's funny about Matt's new puppy! i refuse to have small dogs! they are cute but i have seen enough yapping chihuahuas to last me my whole life and i dont want one in my house! haha Saiko cant die or be murdered before i get home, i will need a hunting dog next year so dont do it, mom!
i know you have changed ha you really dont seem as stressed and i feel like you are all just happier. i have actually all ready written that down that goal thta i will go every week especially with my wife because i have seen the healing power of the temple in marriage and how going helps sooooo much! im really glad that my little challenge for you has turned into such a big thing. i really knew and know how much it would and will always bless your life. im really happy that you and dad are both starting to go together!!!!! gosh i have the best family in the world! my parents go to the temple my sisters do my brothers are studs idk what more i could ask for???
hahahahahhahahhaha the "burn up the carpet club" is gettin big :) i never thought i would be a founder of such a big thing haha. the cinnamon rolls is hilarious too! Brody would, what a little beastie. i cant belive he just turned 4?!?! he is gettin old!
so life here is amazing and crazy! so i gotta laugh cuz you were tellin me to take vitamin C so i dont get sick and i was a smart alic about it and the day after i got tuttle i got his cold too hahaha. all is well now i have lots of vitamin C and im takin my others too. the family we are teaching is sooo awesome! we went to the visitors center with them and it went wayyyy good. we had 7 people at church yesterday which was SWEET!!! i love being with elder tuttle, we have so much fun together! we bought 63 POUNDS of candy for 7 bucks what a steal i know im a bargin shopper like my momma :) we saved like 300 dollars! funny stories yeah we had one last night ha, we went home for dinner and elder tuttle was goin to the bathroom and all of a sudden the power went out and he was freakin out ha not cuz he was scared but cuz its hard to go to the bathroom when you cant see anything hahaha i made him clean it today! best day this week was definately saturday cuz we went to the visitors center and had some sweet lessons and what not it was so awesome. ummm things to pray for would definately be that the family we are teaching can feel the spirit and the importance of the restoration and keep progressing. i dont think i really need anything sent, idk maybe my teeth whitener RICE BAGS we need some of those haha if that is possible. we are eating with our branch president and his family for thanksgiving so it should be fun! haha speaking of missionary moms how is your lunches with all the other moms? well i gots to run i love you all and i hope all is well and you all have a wonderful week!
love taylor
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