Monday, May 2, 2011

Beautiful hike in Arizona!

oh goodness time is not on my side today... i want to say sorry for 3 things first about emails, we went hiking today and it was amazing but its gonna make my email short. 2 sorry if you dont get your mothers day gift this week idk when it will make it. and the 3rd... i cant call on sunday... just kidding dont kill me and dont freak. we will probably call that night probably around 6 or 7 i think. i read kegs!!! the phillipeans is sweet he will do awesome, if you see him tell him im gonna write him next week cuz i had no time whatsoever today, actually call him please and tell him how stoked i am for him!!! im so glad bub started! i dont remember what i did for the egg drop but i think if you took like a a milk jug or something of that size and padded it super good with like toilet paper then put an egg in the middle and finish filling it, that might work, idk im sorry. the out house sounds cool. i cant even tell you how excited i am for vaughndavid, my heart just idk swells would be the best word but no i havnt gotten the invitation yet, soon. ha the whole Kalee thing i kinda knew i would be right. idk its weird even though we were at each other all the time we have kind of a bond and we know each other really well. il tell you about elder monahan another day ha i dont have time, and bah im sorry send all the questions again next week cuz i have no time. i love you all soooooooooooo much and i will talk to you soon. love taylor

the hike was beautiful, kinda cold though.

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