Monday, March 21, 2011

I love you anyways!

thanks for the email pops i love to get them from ya. yeah scott muir i couldnt beleive that and i didnt even recognize him haha. another cool thing about that day was that jim smith took me through at the end of the session into the celestial room. it was an awesome day! the work is goin alright still a little slow, but goin we are findin people but they are all "catholic" ugh if i got a quarter for everytime i have heard that i would be a billionare, they dont go to church or anything but it is tradition. i love in the book of mormon how it talks about how they had to teach the people about the foolish traditions of their fathers and what not, that is how i feel. they all believe in the bible and the ten commandments and yet they worship the virgin mary and the saints!?! its very frustrating sometimes... but other than that all is well, we have a car that i love haha. it has been pretty hot lately too. i hope your all doin well i love you bunches!
love your son taylor

ps did i ever tell you i think about you alot cuz there is a service master right down the street from our house?

welp no tengo nada de ti momma otra vez... i dont have anything from you again momma, what the heck?!?!? ok so week went pretty good and we are tryin to find new people. i honestly do now know what to say... ummm so the voice recorder i have one that does like tapes but idk if thats what you want. let me know i can do one of those or you can try and find a different one. dont worry about gettin cologne i will get it here, we can go to the mall here which is weird but oh well haha. i got a few pics for ya. ok so the 86 degrees it was actually 91 that day but i didnt have my camera... the hair that im pointin to i pulled out of my head and yes... its grey... AHHHHHHHHHH. well thats all i got for ya sorry i wish i had more for ya but idk what to write.

ok sorry i had to send another email. well mom i love you even though you dont email me anymore haha. just kidding i know it probably just didnt come through. love your son taylor

Ok... I'm not sure what's going on. I emailed at 8am our time and he gets on the computer around 12:00 but he is still not getting it!!! I wait by the computer until 3:30 when I get THIS email... UGH!!! I'll try emailing on Sunday from another computer. poor kid. Thinks his mom forgot him. He did get his dad's and sisters email. What the heck??? -Mindy